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#209 : L'anniversaire de Lydia

Même si sa relation avec Allison devient encore plus tendue, Scott assiste avec Stiles à la fête d'anniversaire de Lydia tandis que Derek emprisonne ses nouveaux loup lors de leur première pleine lune.


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Party Guessed

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L'anniversaire de Lydia

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Scott & Stiles regardent

Scott & Stiles regardent

Scott McCall (Tyler Posey)

Scott McCall (Tyler Posey)

Lydia Martin

Lydia Martin

Stiles arrive avec un cadeau

Stiles arrive avec un cadeau

Jackson sauve Matt de la noyade

Jackson sauve Matt de la noyade

victoria Argent (Eaddy Mays)

victoria Argent (Eaddy Mays)

Scott McCall (Tyler Posey)

Scott McCall (Tyler Posey)

Le shérif & Stiles enquêtent

Le shérif & Stiles enquêtent

Jackson Whittemore

Jackson Whittemore

Lydia pleure

Lydia pleure

Allison est armée

Allison est armée

Lydia Martin (Holland Roden)

Lydia Martin (Holland Roden)

Lydia Martin (Holland Roden)

Lydia Martin (Holland Roden)

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09

Photo de l'épisode #2.09


Logo de la chaîne France 4

France (inédit)
Samedi 07.09.2013 à 23:25
0.30m / 3.1% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne MTV

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 23.07.2012 à 22:00
1.65m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Autre titre : La lune des vers

Lydia est sous la douche. Une fois de plus, Lydia hallucine , elle pense qu'elle sort de la douche, mais cette fois, elle se retrouve sur le terrain de lacrosse. Sous les acclamations de la foule, Peter arrive vers elle et la jette à terre.

Lydia et Peter se retrouvent chez elle. Peter lui dit que si elle exécute ses demandes tout se passera bien. Son visage pourri, et il dit que la prochaine pleine lune est la clé, parce que c'est la dernière de l'hiver. Il y aura des vers et une certaine renaissance.

Coïncidence c'est aussi la fête d'anniversaire de Lydia. C'est l'événement de l'année, tout le monde y va. Par la fenêtre, Peter lui montre un aperçu de ce que deviendrait ses invités si elle ne l'écoute pas. Peter lui promet de lui montrer ce que tout le monde lui cache. Soudain, un loup-garou éclate une fenêtre.

Mme Argent a été mordu par Derek. Chris essaie d'aider sa femme et de la rassurer. Chris parle ensuite avec son père du sort de VictoriaGérard lui dit que sa femme est déjà morte. Elle va devenir un loup. Il faut la laisser mourir.

Derek et Scott se réunissent. Ils se rendent compte qu'ils ne peuvent ni contrôler, ni tuer Jackson. Derek n'a jamais rien vu de tel que le kanima. Scott suggère de laisser le problème aux Argents , mais Derek se sent coupable. C'était sa morsure qui a rendu Jackson comme ça. Derek se moque de la légende du kanima, mais Scott pense qu'il cache quelque chose. Au lieu de s'ouvrir, Derek demande à Scott de rentrer chez lui pour se préparer pour la fête de Lydia et la pleine lune.

Matt et Allison discutent dans la voiture de celle ci au sujet de leur baiser. Alors qu'elle essaie d'esquiver ses questions au sujet de son ex, Allison lui répond que C'est compliqué. Matt lui donne la main. Après il sort de sa voiture, Allison souffle sur sa fenêtre, espérant voir un message de Scott. Elle est déçue.
Matt a oublié son sac et son appareil photo dans la voiture d'Allison. Elle regarde dedans. Les premières photos sont sur la lacrosse mais les suivante sont d'elle . Il ya des plans d'elle dans sa chambre. Matt revient chercher son appareil photo et lui fait remarquer que ses photos sont belles mais qu'elles seraient mieux sur son ordinateur. Allison refuse et pretexte qu'il est trop tard. Elle le laisse dans la rue.

Derek, Isaac,Boyd et Erica parlent d'une boîte avec un symbole . Boyd connaît le nom de la spirale qui est au dessus de la boite. Elle représente l'alpha, le bêta, et l'oméga, et rappelle aux loups qu'ils peuvent augmenter ou diminuer dans la hiérarchie. Derek les prépare à la pleine lune, et rappelle que leur puissance a un prix.

Lydia et Allison choisissent des tenues pour la fête. Allison tente d'avertir Lydia sur le fait que personne ne pourrait venir à cause des derniers évènements. Tout le monde va venir Même Jackson. Mme Argent veut parler à Allison mais elle l'envoie promener...

Le shérif attrape son fils qui est en train de consulter l'annuaire des élèves. M. Harris a été amené à un interrogatoire. Les traces de pneus de M Harris correspondent à ceux de plusieurs des scènes de crime. Stiles a clairement un sentiment de culpabilité du fait que son père a été viré. Le sherif remarque une photo de l'équipe de natation dans l'annuaire. Le coach est le père d'Isaac, et les membres correspondent à la liste des victimes.

Lydia retrouve Jackson à l'école. Elle l'invite à sa fêe tout en caressant nonchalamment son bras. Il frissonne. Il lui dit qu'elle ne veut pas de lui là bas. Ses yeux deviennent jaunes comme ceux du kanima.

Allison se dirige vers la maison de Lydia. C'est calme mais Stiles arrive avec un énorme paquet. C'est un cadeau pour Lydia. A l'intérieur de la maison, Stiles et Scott discutent de ce qu'ils ont appris jusqu'à présent. Le kanima déteste l'eau, et tous ceux qui sont décédé à ce jour ont une connection avec l'équipe de natation. Puis les garçons remarquent qu'ils sont seuls à la fête. Les garçons se rallient et invitent l'équipe de lacrosse et quelques amis.

Derek prépare sa meute avec des chaînes. Parce que Erica sera capable de résister à plus de douleur , Derek lui met un bandeau vissé dans son crâne.

Au milieu de la fête, Stiles et Scott parlent d'Allison. Ce dernier ne pense pas qu'il doit présenter des excuses à Allison, mais Stiles n'est pas d'accord.Jackson arrive. Lydia lui sert un verre de punch .

Boyd et Erica crient de douleur, Isaac demande à Derek comment contrôler la transition. Il faut Trouver un ancrage,. Alors que pour Derek c'est la colère, ça ne semble pas  cas pour Isaac .

Chris veut "soigner" sa femme avec des pilules pour simuler son suicide. Elle sort un couteau, puis écrit une lettre. Pendant ce temps, Gérard n'est pas heureux de voir son fils aussi touché. Il dit à Chris d'aller aider sa femme à mourir dans la dignité, ou l'un d'entre eux devra la tuer.

Les gens font la fête. Lydia donne un verre de punch à Matt, mais il ne le boit pas . Puis Lydia joue les entremetteuse et dit à Scott qu'il doit passer du bon temps avec Allison. Mais malheureusement Allison est partie.

Matt veut s'expliquer avec Allison. Elle veut savoir comment il a eu certains de ces clichés et l'appelle harceleur. Il se mettre en colère. Allison essaie de partir , il lui attrape le bras. Elle se défend alors puis s'excuse avant de partir.

Parmi la foule, Allison voit une arbalète. Elle se fait tirer dessus. Par elle-même. c'est clairement une hallucination. Elle a du punch.

Scott sait que ce n'est pas la pleine lune qui le fait sentir étrange. Sorti de nulle part, le père de Stiles arrive ivre à la fête. Il arrive d'un enterrement, il annonce à tout le monde que son fils est un bâtard et qu'il a tué sa mère. Stiles a une hallucination.

Mme Argent et son mari sont assis ensemble dans leur chambre. Elle déplore le fait qu'elle n'est pas pu parlé à sa fille une dernière fois.  

Scott est dans les escaliers, il a une vision de Jackson faisant l'amour avec Allison . Lorsqu'il réalise que c'est une hallucination, il s'aperçoit que Lydia est responsable.  
C'est au tour de Jackson d'avoir une hallucination. Il entend son nom. Un couple se renseignent sur lui, en disant qu'ils sont ses vrais parents. Ils se tournent vers lui, mais leur visage est flou. le visage de Jackson devient flou aussi.

Chez Derek, les loups se transforment et se battent. Derek laissent un message à Scott. Erica a perdu son casque .

Scott dégrise Stiles .Derek prend le contrôle d'Erica, puis Isaac dompte Boyd. Mme Argent a un couteau et commence à le plonger dans sa poitrine. Mais Chris l'arrête. Le couple discute de ce que Chris va devoir dire aux gens après sa mort. Bien que M. Argent s'engage à convaincre que sa femme avait des antécédents de dépression, il jure qu'Allison ne le croira jamais. Mme Argent est inquiète de ce que les gens vont dire.
Elle demande à son mari de l'aide. Quand la lune arrive par la fenêtre, ils saisissent le couteau et l'enfoncent dans la poitrine de Victoria.

Isaac explique que son père est son ancre, Derek est surpris. Isaac révèle qu'il ne l'enfermit pas dans le congélateur pour le punir. Lydia se présente avec une poignée de poussière. Elle la souffle sur Derek. Il tombe sur le sol.

Allison arrive, en criant, à l'hôpital. Elle voit son père. Il lui dit que sa mère est morte.
Quelqu'un se noit dans la piscine car il ne sait pas nager . Jackson le sort de la piscine. C'est Matt. Il passe à côté de Scott et Stiles .

Les flics arrivent. tout le monde s'enfuit. Scott voit Matt debout à côté du kanima.  Lydia traîne Derek .Elle donne son bras au cadavre brûlé de Peter. En utilisant une série de miroirs, Lydia redirige la lune sur le cadavre. Le corps se réanime. Les yeux de Derek passe du rouge au vert.

Season 2 Episode 9


Party Guessed


Previously On Teen Wolf


Stiles: When's the kanima not the kanima?

Scott: When it's Jackson.


Allison: Someone's controlling him.


Deaton: Something that affects the kanima also affects its master?


Scott: Meaning we can catch them.


Scott: You're supposed to trust me.

Allison: I trust you. Scott!

Scott: Just stay out of the way.


Peter: I had a plan you know. That would be you. You wouldn't die. But you would be able to do... One very important thing.



Peter: Lydia. Lydia, Lydia! Lydia, Lydia!

Lydia: Leave me alone.

Peter: Unfortunately, I can't. At least not yet.

Lydia: Are you real?

Peter: Interestingly... That question can also be. Answered, "not yet." I promise everything's going to get back to normal, Lydia. All that you have to do... Is every single thing I ask.

Peter: Timing is key here, Lydia. It all needs to happen by the next full moon. Do you know what they call the full moon in march? It's called the worm moon. They call it that because it's the last full moon of. Winter, and the worms would literally crawl out of the earth as it thawed. Kind of has the feel of a rebirth, doesn't it?

Lydia: But the full moon is on Wednesday. That's my birthday.

Peter: Exactly. And Lydia's birthday is always the party of the year, isn't it? Everyone wants to go to this party. So we're going to make it a very special party.

Lydia: And what if I don't?

Peter: I think it's best that we just make a plan and stick to it. That way no one gets hurt.

Lydia: Why me?

Peter: Because Lydia Martin is not only beautiful, not only incredibly intelligent. She's immune.

Lydia: Immune to what?

Peter: Oh, that's right. They haven't told you, have they? Bet you've felt like the last to know for a long time. Doesn't feel good, does it? You deserve to know everything. It's probably best if I just show you.



Chris: It's not that deep, okay?

Victoria: It's all right. I'll clean it myself.

Chris: It's not that bad. We don't know. We can't know. Not for sure.

Gerard: It's a bite from an Alpha.

Chris: She's my wife. Allison's mother.

Gerard: And I'm the cold-hearted patriarch holding his family to its commitments. We all have our roles. Just don't expect me to play poisoned king to your Hamlet of a son. Not with a full moon coming.

Chris: What about Allison? How am I supposed to get her through this? We just buried Kate.

Gerard: Then tell me, how long is long enough? When exactly do you think Allison will be emotionally prepared enough to handle the death of her mother?

Chris: She can't lose her too.

Gerard: Ah, you're getting your tenses mixed up. Your wife is already dead, and that thing over there is just a cocoon waiting to hatch.




Derek: I'm saying we need a new plan, because next time, one of us is gonna be too hurt to heal.

Scott: Ugh, I get it. We can't save Jackson.

Derek: We can't seem to kill him either. I've seen a lot of things, Scott. I've never seen anything like this. Every new moon's just gonna make him stronger.

Scott: But how do we stop him?

Derek: I don't know. I don't even know if we can.

Scott: Maybe we should just let the Argents handle it.

Derek: I'm the one who turned him. It's my fault.

Scott: Yeah, but you didn't turn him into this. I mean, this happened because of something in his past, right?

Derek: That's a legend in a book. It's not that simple.

Scott: What do you mean? What are you not telling me?

Derek: Why do you think I'm always keeping something from you?

Scott: Because you always are keeping something from me.

Derek: Well, maybe I do it to protect you.

Scott: Doesn't being part of your pack mean no more secrets?

Derek: Go home, Scott. Sleep. Heal. Make sure your friends are safe. 'Cause the full moon's coming. And with the way things are going, I've got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one.



Matt: So, um, about that incredibly bad idea I had.

Allison: You mean the kiss?

Matt: Yeah, that's the one.

Allison: Don't worry about it.

Matt: For real?

Allison: Definitely.

Matt: So what's going on with you and Scott? Are you guys... You guys still together or... Or what?

Allison: Not really.

Matt: Not really. I... God, I hate not reallys. You never know what to do with not really.

Allison: Would you understand if I said it was complicated?

Matt: Not really. But I'll try.

Matt: Open the window. Heh. Forgot my bag.

Allison: Yeah, yeah.

Matt: Some good pictures in there, don't you think?

Allison: Yeah, the lacrosse ones are amazing. You're really talented. I was... I was... I was really impressed.

Matt: There is a good candid of you in there too.

Allison: Really?

Matt: You can see some of the others if you'd like. I mean, this... This tiny little screen doesn't really do it justice, but, uh, I could show you some on my computer.

Allison: Oh, I would totally like that, but maybe another night.

Matt: Well, just for a few minutes.

Allison: It's getting kind of late.

Matt: It's the weekend.

Allison: I know, but I... You know, I...

Matt: And it's spring break. I mean, you don't have a thing going on tomorrow. Do you?

Allison: I should really get going.

Matt: You sure?

Allison: I'm sure.

Matt: Okay.



Isaac: What is that?

Boyd: It's a triskele. Spirals mean different things - Past, present, future. Mother, father, child.

Derek: You know what it means to me?

Boyd: Alpha, beta, omega?

Derek: That's right. It's a spiral. Reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another. Betas can become alphas, but alphas can also fall to betas or even omegas.

Isaac: Like Scott?

Derek: Scott's with us.

Isaac: Really? Then where is he now?

Derek: He's looking for Jackson. Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight either. None of us will. There's a price you pay for this kind of power. You get the ability to heal, but tonight you're gonna want to kill anything you can find.

Erica: Good thing I had my period last week, then.

Derek: Well, this one's for you.



Lydia: Clear your schedule. This could take a while.

Allison: How many outfits do you plan on wearing tonight?

Lydia: It's my birthday party. I'm thinking host dress, evening dress, then, mm, after-hours casual.

Allison: I noticed that you didn't send out any invites.

Lydia: It's the biggest party of the year, Allison. Everyone knows.

Allison: I was wondering if maybe this year things, you know, might be different.

Lydia: Why would anything be different?

Allison: Just 'cause things have been off lately. Things and people. Like Jackson.

Lydia: What do you care about Jackson?

Allison: Do you know if he's coming tonight?

Lydia: Everyone's coming. This one's American rag. Mm, I love it. For me, not you. This one's material girl. It's for you. Ms. Argent. What do you think of this one?

Victoria: Oh, it's lovely. Allison, uh, can I grab you for a moment to talk? Just the two of us.

Allison: Um, can we do it later?

Victoria: Actually, uh, to be honest, sooner would be... Would be better.

Lydia: Party's at 10:00.

Victoria: Um, will you be around before then?

Allison: I think so.

Victoria: You think so.

Allison: I don't know.

Allison: You think so?

Lydia: Oh, I guess that black one would fit. All right, here you go. No, it's too much.

Allison: I think I like it.

Lydia: You like it?

Allison: Yeah, no, I do. Happy Birthday.

Lydia: Oh, thank you. I actually appreciate that.




Sheriff: Hey, whatcha doing?

Stiles: Homework.

Sheriff: It's spring break. What do you think you're doing?

Stiles: Oh, I'm just satisfying my own curiosity.

Sheriff: We brought Harris in this morning for questioning. They brought him in.

Stiles: And?

Sheriff: And they're working on a warrant to arrest him for the murders.

Stiles: For all of them?

Sheriff: Enough of them.

Stiles: With what proof?

Sheriff: You remember the couple at the trailer? Tire tracks nearby match Harris's car.

Stiles: W... That's not enough.

Sheriff: The same car was also seen outside the hospital where the pregnant wife was killed. It's got some bumper sticker on it, a quote from Einstein.

Stiles: Wait, what quote?

Sheriff: Something about imagination and knowledge.

Stiles: «Imagination is more important than knowledge», yeah. I saw the same car parked outside the rave.

Sheriff: That means you're a witness. You're gonna have to give a statement.

Stiles: But, what about the concert promoter, Kara? She wasn't in Harris's class, right? I mean, what does Mr. Lahey have to do with Harris?

Sheriff: It doesn't matter. The tire tracks put Harris at the site of three murders. That's damning evidence.

Stiles: No, it's not enough.

Sheriff: I... I thought you hated this guy.

Stiles: I don't hate him, all right? He hates me. And, you know, if he'd killed them all, then yeah, lock the psycho up. But there's something missing. There's gotta be something missing.

Sheriff: Hey. Hey. You don't have to solve this for me.

Stiles: No, I have to do something. What?

Sheriff: Look at the swim team.

Stiles: Dad, the coach. It's Isaac's dad.




Lydia: Jackson. You're coming to my party, right?

Jackson: You don't want me there. Trust me.

Lydia: Don't worry about it. I'm over it. Look, of course I want you...

Jackson: You do not want me there.

Lydia: I'll see you there.


Allison: For Lydia.

Kids: Whoo, party!

Stiles: Happy Birthday! Yeah! Coming in. Oh, whoa. Can't. Okay. You know, you don't... Can you just grab that side, maybe?

Lydia: Don't forget to try the punch.

Stiles: Have you seen Jackson anywhere?

Scott: No. Seen Allison?

Stiles: No, but we should probably tell her what we found.

Scott: I'm still kind of not sure what we found.

Stiles: I figured out it has something to do with water. You know, the fact that all the victims were on the swim team, the way the kanima reacted around the pool.

Scott: So whoever's controlling the kanima really hates the swim team?

Stiles: Hated the swim team. Specifically, the 2006 swim team. So it could be another teacher. Maybe like a student back then. I mean, who are we missing though? What haven't we thought of?

Allison: Uh, Jackson's not here.

Stiles: Yeah, no one's here.

Scott: Maybe it's just early.

Stiles: Or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia's turned into the town whackjob.

Allison: Well, we have to do something, because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks.

Scott: She's completely ignored Stiles the past ten years.

Stiles: I prefer to think of it as me not having been on her radar yet.

Scott: We don't owe her a party.

Allison: What about the chance to get back to normal?

Scott: Normal?

Allison: She wouldn't be the town whackjob if it wasn't for us.

Scott: I guess I could use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here.

Stiles: Yeah, I also know some people who can get this thing going. Like, really going.

Allison: Who?

Stiles: I met them the other night. Let's just say they know how to party.



Lydia: And you are?

Phoenix: We're here for the party.

Lydia: Well, come on in. Don't touch anything.



Boyd: What if we break free?

Derek: Then you'll do anything you can to get out of here. Probably try to kill me, then kill each other and kill anything else with a heartbeat. I need you to hold her.

Isaac: So how come she gets to wear the headband?

Derek: Because she'll be able to withstand more pain than the two of you. I've got an extra one if you really want it.

Isaac: I'll pass.

Derek: You ready?

Erica: Yeah.



Stiles: Are you gonna apologize to Allison or what?

Scott: Why should I apologize?

Stiles: Because you're the guy. It's, like, what we do.

Scott: But I didn't do anything wrong.

Stiles: Then you should definitely apologize. See, any time a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong, it means he's definitely done something wrong.

Scott: I'm not apologizing.

Stiles: Is that the full moon talking, buddy?

Scott: Probably. Why do you care, anyway?

Stiles: Because, Scott, something's gotta go right here. I mean, we're getting our asses royally kicked, if you haven't noticed. People are dying. I got my dad fired. You're gonna be held back in school. I'm in love with a nutjob. And if on top of all that, I gotta watch you lose Allison to a stalker like Matt, I'm gonna stab myself in the face.

Scott: Don't stab yourself in the face.

Stiles: Why not?

Scott: Because Jackson's here.

Lydia: Glad you could make it.




Isaac: How do you not feel this?

Derek: I feel every second of it.

Isaac: Then how do you control it?

Derek: Find an anchor. Something meaningful to you. Bind yourself to it. Keep the human side in control.

Isaac: What is it for you?

Derek: Anger. But it doesn't have to be that for everybody.

Isaac: You mean Scott?

Derek: Yeah. All right, that should do it.




Victoria: You really thought I would do this using prescription pills.

Chris: According to gender statistics, most women... But you're not most women.

Victoria: I'll go upstairs and write the letter.

Gerard: Don't hesitate because of Allison. She'll feel the ground shifting beneath her feet time and again in her life. It is our job to teach her how to keep standing.

Chris: The ground isn't shifting. It's crumbling.

Gerard: You want easy? Change your last name. Otherwise, go up there and help your wife die with dignity. Because if she doesn't fall on her own sword, one of us is gonna have to run her through.




Scott: Uh, I can't drink tonight.

Lydia: All right, what is with the two of you?

Scott: Oh, no, Stiles is drinking.

Lydia: Not Stiles. You and Allison. I don't care why you have to keep your little love affair so secret, but right here and right now seems like the perfect time just... To have a good time.

Scott: You know something? You're right.

Lydia: See? Isn't it good?

Scott: Actually, yeah. Really good.



Allison: You get two minutes.

Matt: Okay. Uh, right. So I know I took some pictures of you that I should've told you about. But is it really that bad that... That I think you're beautiful... And I think you should be the subject of a perfect photograph?

Allison: Um, Matt, some of those pictures I... I don't even know how you took them.

Matt: Telephoto lens. I mean, come on, Allison. Photographers call them candids.

Allison: Well, police officers call it stalking.

Matt: Stalking. So I'm... I'm a stalker now. That's... Is that it? You... You think my bedroom is wallpapered with your photos. You think I'm the kind of guy that's gonna say something like, "well, if I can't have her, no one can." Well, you know what? Get over yourself, because there's another pretty girl walking through the room every five minutes.

Allison: Well, then, all you have to do is wait another three. Good luck.

Matt: Allison, wait. What is the matter with you?

Allison: I'm sorry. I'm so... I'm so sorry.

Allison: No. No, not here. Scott. Scott!
Look at you. Yelling for help. Always yelling for help. It's pathetic, Allison. You... You have no idea how much I've been looking forward to this.




Stiles: You feeling okay?

Scott: It's not the moon. It's different.

Sheriff: Why am I wearing black? What are you, an idiot? I just came from a funeral. You know, people wear black at funerals.

Kid: Dude, chill. It was just...

Sheriff: Get out of my face.

Sheriff: It's you. It's all you. You know, every day I saw her lying that hospital slowly dying... I thought, "how the hell am I supposed to raise this stupid kid on my own? This hyperactive little bastard who keeps ruining my life?" It's all you. It's you, Stiles. You killed your mother. You hear me? You killed her. And now you're killing me.




Victoria: I didn't get a chance to talk to her, so I want to do it here, where I can be with her. Hm. And I think I'm gonna need your help.



Scott: Lydia.

Jackson's Mother: His name is Jackson. We're looking for Jackson Whittemore.

Jackson's Father: Has anyone seen Jackson? We're his parents.

Lydia: Mr. Whittemore?

Jackson's Father: No, we're his real parents.

Jackson: No, no.

Jackson's Mother: Could someone tell him we're here?

Jackson's Father: Tell him we're his real parents.



Scott: You guys seen Lydia? You know where Lydia is? Have you seen Lydia? Lydia? Where's Lydia?



Derek: Scott, can you call me back? I'm probably gonna need some help. Definitely gonna need some help.

Derek: Isaac!



Scott: Stiles, look at me. Drink the water. Stiles, drink it. Something's happening, and I need you to sober up right now. Come on, Stiles.

Danielle: What do you think you are doing? You want to sober him up fast, that's not the way to do it.

Scott: You can do better?

Danielle: I can do best, boy. Whoo! How do you feel?

Stiles: Like I might have to revisit my policy on hitting a girl.

Danielle: He's sober.




Chris: Wait.

Victoria: I can feel it. It's happening. You know what to do. You know what to tell people. Tell them I had a history of depression. Promise me.

Chris: I will. I will, even though I've never seen you depressed once in 20 years.

Victoria: Allison needs to say it too.

Chris: But I won't let her believe it.

Victoria: She'll hear things. People will say I was weak. They'll say I took the easy way out.

Chris: And I'll tell her it was the hardest thing you ever did.

Victoria: And they'll ask, how could I do this to my family?

Chris: She'll know you did it for us.

Victoria: I can't do this myself. Chris. Help me.

Victoria: Now.




Derek: Think you'll be okay now. Looks like you found an anchor.

Isaac: My father.

Derek: Your father locked you in a freezer in the basement to punish you.

Isaac: He didn't use to.




Allison: No. No. No, dad. No, dad! If this is some kind of sick training session you had... You better tell me! You better tell me!

Chris: No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Allison: You...

Chris: I'm sorry.

Allison: What happened? What hap...

Chris: Oh, sweetie, shh.

Allison: What...

Chris: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.




Stiles: Hey, I can't find her. And, dude, anyone who drank that crap, they're freaking out.

Scott: I can see that.

Stiles: What the hell do we do?

Scott: I don't know, but we gotta...

Matt: I can't swim! No, no, no, no, stop, guys! I can't swim! I can't swim! I can't... I can't...

Matt: What are you looking at?

Kid: The cops are here. Party's over!


Derek: Lydia. Lydia. Lydia, stop. You don't know what you're doing.

Peter: I heard there was a party. Don't worry, I invited myself.



Ecrit par DSWin

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !