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#211 : Champ de bataille

Scott joue un match dans le championnat de lacrosse et doit trouver un moyen d'arrêter Gerard. Allison continue de pourchasser Derek et sa meute.



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Champ de bataille

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Stiles Stilinski

Stiles Stilinski

Gerard (Michael Hogan) pendant le match

Gerard (Michael Hogan) pendant le match

Peter (Ian Bohen) regarde Derek

Peter (Ian Bohen) regarde Derek

Allison Argent utilise son arc

Allison Argent utilise son arc

Scott prend à part le coach

Scott prend à part le coach

Scott & Stiles pendant le match

Scott & Stiles pendant le match

Jackson dans sa tenue de lacrosse

Jackson dans sa tenue de lacrosse

Scott Mccall

Scott Mccall

Stiles est dans le bureau de Morell

Stiles est dans le bureau de Morell

Deaton soigne un chien

Deaton soigne un chien

Melissa, Lydia , Le shérif pendant le match

Melissa, Lydia , Le shérif pendant le match

Scott & Isaac pendant le match

Scott & Isaac pendant le match

Boyd est transformé

Boyd est transformé

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11

Photo de l'épisode #2.11


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France (inédit)
Samedi 14.09.2013 à 21:25
0.24m / 1.2% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 06.08.2012 à 22:00
1.72m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Autre titre : Compte à rebours

Stiles parle de la mort de Matt dans le bureau de la conseillère d'orientation. Stiles parle de la noyade et de comment le corps se bat contre elle. Il révèle que Matt avait des photos d'Allison et que peut être qu'Près sa noyade Matt est sorti des rails.

Le père de Stiles reprend son rôle de shérif . Pourtant, Stiles sent une certaine tension entre eux. De plus, Scott, doit traiter de ses propres problèmes.

Scott se prépare dans chambre et va frapper à la porte de la chambre de sa mère. Scott essaie en vain de lui parler, mais elle ne répond pas.

Allison effrace le message de Scott écrit sur  sa fenêtre de voiture. Stiles dit à la conseillere d'orientation qu'elle a été durement touchée par la mort de sa mère, mais qu'elle et son père sont plus proches que jamais. Stiles dit aussi à Morrell que Lydia est la plus normale .

Stiles est nerveux. Mme Morrell lui diagnostique une hyper-vigilance, mais Stiles pense que c'est plus que cela. C'est comme s'il ne pouvait plus respirer. Les deux ont une longue discussion où la noyade est utilisé comme une métaphore.

Scott est sous la douche. Quand il retourne dans sa chambre, le kanima tient Mme McCall en otage, et Gérard est là pour parler. Évidemment, Scott n'a pas répondu aux appels du chasseur. Le kanima est une arme de vengeance, il rappelle à Scott, qu'il veut tuer Derek et sa meute. Mme McCall a peur. Elle n'est pas sûre de ce que le lézard est et Scott non plus, elle veut juste que son fils donne à Gerard ce qu'il veut.

Erica et Boyd entendent dans les bois des loups hurlants. Ils décident de dire à Derek qu'ils veulent trouver une nouvelle meute.

Derek doute qu'il y ait une autre meute de loups. Ce qui ressemblait à une douzaine de loups était probablement seulement deux, grâce à l'effet "Beau Geste". Boyd raconte à Derek qu'ils ont perdu, et c'est pourquoi lui et Erica le quittent. Derek leur di'ils fuiront toute leur vie.

Isaac se présente chez le vétérinaire, et prouve son sens de l'odorat , il peut flairer les animaux blessés qui vont de mieux en mieux ... et ceux qui ne le sont pas. Puis le vétérinaire lui montre à se servir de son nouveau pouvoir : prendre un peu de douleur à un caniche qui a le cancer. Scott lui avoue que La première fois, il a aussi pleuré .

Retour chez Derek, Peter surgi de nulle part. Il prétend qu'il veut aider son neveu, mais Derek ne le croit pas et le frappe.

Isaac demande à Scott des conseils. Erica et Boyd s'en vont, et Isaac n'est pas sûr de vouloir partir avec eux. Scott explique qu'il a trop de gens à se soucier ici pour partir, Isaac se rend compte qu'il est seul. Isaac mentionne que Jackson jouera le match de lacrosse ce soir.

Danny va voir Jackson et lui demande s'il va bien. Jackson lui dit de rester dans le but lors du match.

Mme McCall va dans les vestiaires au moment ou le coach fait un discours. Gerard Argent raconte à l'équipe de lacrosse qu'il faut tuer leurs adversaires, puis Mentionne que Scott sera sur banc.

Peter et Derek se battent encore.

Sur le banc Stiles et Scott parlent d'Allison et Lydia. Stiles prédit que le match finira mal, avec du sang, et puis le chaos. Puis il dit à Scott combien il s'est senti impuissant, en regardant son père se faire frapper par Matt. Ils sont interrompu par l'entraîneur, qui dit à Stiles qu'il va jouer .

Gérard commence à parler à Scott en le menaçant .

Boyd et Erica sont à la recherche de la meute. Au lieu de cela, ils sont accueillis par des chasseurs. Boyd et Erica se cachent.

Gérard dit à Scott que s'il ne lui livre pas Derek, Jackson va tuer quelqu'un au cours des 30 dernières secondes du match.

Peter ne peut pas guérir rapidement, et il a besoin d'aide de Derek.Stiles n'est pas très bon pendant le match.

Isaac arrive . Il s'avère qu'il n'a pas fui avec Boyd et Erica. Lui et Scott regarde Gérard.

Erica et Boyd courent dnas les bois. Allison tire une flèche dans Erica. Elle demande à Boyd de s'enfuir.

Scott demande à Isaac de blesser le reste de l'équipe pour pouvoir entrer en jeu. L'entraîneur est assez contrarié quand Isaac commence à blesser sa propre équipe.
Au lieu de fuir, Boyd tente de protéger Erica. Allison ne cesse de le blesser avec des flèches. Erica la supplie d'arrêter. Chris décide d'intervenir avant qu'elle ne tue Boyd.
Jackson rompt presque la jambe d'Isaac, à la demande de Gérard. Lorsque l'entraîneur envoie Scott sur le terrain , Mme McCall l'attrape et lui demande d'oublier tout ce qu'elle a dit plus tôt.

Gérard continue de jouer avec l'esprit de Scott: En échange de Derek, , il lui donne Allison. .

Retour dans les bois, Allison est heureuse d'avoir prise deux loups-garous. Allison ne voit pas pourquoi Chris est en colère, alors elle appelle son grand-père et se vante de sa chasse.

Peter promet de dire à Derek comment arrêter Jackson - pas en tuant le kanima mais en l'aidant.

Gérard est sur le point de couper Isaac en deux avec son épée, quand il voit Scott dans le miroir dans les vestiaires.

Stiles marque un but. Puis un autre.

Peter raconte à Derek un mythe, on peut guérir un loup-garou en appelant son nom de baptême. Mais le kanima n'a pas d'identité, tout comme un orphelin. Jackson peut être sauvé à travers son cœur. Peter sait qu'il ya une personne avec qui Jackson avait un lien assez fort pour le faire - Lydia.

Il reste seulement 30 secondes à jouer, et Scott est enfin sur le terrain. Tout le monde est content, l'équipe gagne.Jackson a laissé tomber ses gants et ses yeux se transforment.

Enfin, la fin des 30 secondes. Beacon Hills gagne la partie. "Rien ne s'est passé», dit Scott. Puis on entend un cri .

C'est la confusion et les gens s'enfuient. La Maman de Scott lui dit que quelqu'un est blessé. C'est Jackson.

Lydia crie le nom de Jackson. Mme McCall pose sa tête sur la poitrine de Jackson. elle dit qu'il n'y a plus de rythme cardiaque. Jackson a des plaies  dans sa poitrine, et ses doigts sont sanglants. Isaac réalise que Jackson s'est bléssé lui même.

L'épisode se termine quand le shérif se demande Où est Stiles.



Season 2 Episode 11




Previously On Teen Wolf


Stiles:That puts Matt at the scene of three murders.


Scott: We know it's Matt.


Scott: Just do what he says.


Scott: What, are you gonna kill everyone in here?


Matt: That's what Jackson's for.


Gerard: Your mother wrote this note. I don't know how I could sit still until someone paid for her death.



Deaton: What Peter managed to do doesn't come without a price. He gonna come at you Derek.



Scott: It wasn't supposed to happen like this. I've done everything that you've asked of me.


Gerard: Help your friends. Leave Matt and Jackson to me.



Stiles: You know when you're drowning, you don't actually inhale until right before you black out. It's called voluntary apnea. It's like no matter how much you're freaking out, the instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you won't open your mouth until you feel like your head's exploding. But then when you finally do let it in, that's when it stops hurting. It's not scary anymore. It's... It's actually kind of peaceful.

Ms. Morrell: Are you saying you hope Matt felt some peace in his last moments?

Stiles: I don't feel sorry for him.

Ms. Morrell: Can you feel sorry for the nine year-old Matt who drowned?

Stiles: Just because a bunch of dumbasses dragged him into a pool when he couldn't swim doesn't really give him the right to go off killing them one by one. And by the way, my dad told me that they found a bunch of pictures of Allison on Matt's computer. And not just of her though. I mean, he photoshopped himself into these pictures. Stuff like them holding hands and kissing. You know, like he had built this whole fake relationship. So yeah, maybe drowning when he was nine years old was what sent him off the rails, but the dude was definitely riding the crazy train.

Ms. Morrell: One positive thing came out of this, though. Right?

Stiles: Yeah. Yeah, but I still feel like there's something wrong between us. I don't know. It's just like tension when we talk. Same thing with Scott.

Ms. Morrell: Have you talked to him since that night?

Stiles: No, not really. I mean, he's got his own problems to deal with though.


Scott: Mom. Mom, we're gonna have to talk about this eventually. Okay. I'm going. I love you.

Stiles: I don't think he's talked to Allison either. But that might be more her choice, you know. Her mom dying hit her pretty hard. But I guess it brought her and her dad closer. Jackson? Jackson hasn't really been himself lately. Actually the funny thing is, as of right now, Lydia is the one who seems the most normal.

Ms. Morrell: And what about you, Stiles? Feeling some anxiety about that championship game tomorrow night?

Stiles: Why would you ask me that? Ah. Uh, no. I... I never actually play. But hey, since one of my teammates is dead and another one's missing, who knows, right?

Ms. Morrell: You mean, Isaac. One of the three runaways. You haven't heard from any of them, have you?

Stiles: How come you're not taking any notes on this?

Ms. Morrell: I do my notes after the session.

Stiles: Your memory's that good?

Ms. Morrell: How about we get back to you? Stiles?

Stiles: I'm fine. Yeah, aside from the not sleeping, the jumpiness, the constant, overwhelming, crushing fear that something terrible's about to happen.

Ms. Morrell: It's called hyper-vigilance, the persistent feeling of being under threat.

Stiles: But it's not just a feeling, though. It's... It's like it's a panic attack. You know, like I can't even breathe.

Ms. Morrell: Like you're drowning?

Stiles: Yeah.

Ms. Morrell: So if you're drowning, and you're trying to keep your mouth closed until that very last moment, what if you choose to not open your mouth? To not let the water in?

Stiles: You do anyway. It's a reflex.

Ms. Morrell: But if you hold off until that reflex kicks in, you have more time, right?

Stiles: Not much time.

Ms. Morrell: But more time to fight your way to the surface?

Stiles: I guess.

Ms. Morrell: More time to be rescued?

Stiles: More time to be in agonizing pain. I mean, did you forget about the part where you feel like your head's exploding?

Ms. Morrell: If it's about survival, isn't a little agony worth it?

Stiles: But what if it just gets worse? What if it's agony now and then... And it's just hell later on?

Ms. Morrell: Then think about something Winston Churchill once said... "If you're going through hell, keep going."

Gerard: As you can see, Scott, there's been some interesting developments lately. I think we should catch up.


Gerard: Come on, Scott, let's be realistic about who's got the upper hand here.

Scott: Let her go.

Gerard: Can't do that. But let her live? That's up to you.

Scott: What do you want?

Gerard: I want to talk. You haven't been answering your phone.

Scott: Let her go, and we can talk about whatever you want.

Gerard: I want the same thing that I have always wanted. I want Derek and his pack.

Scott: You have them all in hiding. How am I supposed to know where they are?

Gerard: I think with the proper motivation, you could draw them out. And if you hadn't noticed, I now have a fairly impressive means by which I can motivate people. Why do you think I'm able to control him? Oh, you know the myth, Scott. The kanima is a weapon of vengeance.

Scott: This is about Kate?

Gerard: I didn't just come here to bury my daughter. I came to avenge her.



Scott: Are you okay?

Melissa: Oh, I don't know what's happening. I don't know what that thing was or even what you are, but whatever he wants, just give it to him.

Scott: Mom, it's not that easy.

Melissa: Do what he wants. Just give him what he wants.

Scott: I don't know if I can.


Erica: Derek told us to be back before sun up.

Boyd: I thought I heard something.

Erica: Look, if we're gonna do that whole "I thought I heard something" thing, then we shouldn't be stopping. We should be running.

Boyd: No, listen.

Erica: Coyote? Wolf?

Boyd: No, it can't be. There are no wolves in California.

Erica: No, but there are werewolves.

Boyd: That didn't sound like Derek.

Erica: Maybe it was...



Derek: You decided. When?

Erica: Tonight.

Boyd: Everyone's gonna be at the game. We figured it was the best time.

Erica: It's not like we want to.

Derek: What do you want?

Erica: Since I just turned 16 a month ago, I wouldn't mind getting my license. I can't do that if I'm dead, you know.

Derek: Well, I told you there was a price.

Boyd: Yeah, but you didn't say it would be like this.

Derek: Yeah, but I told you how to survive. You do it as a pack. And you're not a pack without an Alpha.

Boyd: We know.

Derek: You wanna look for another pack? How are you even gonna find one?

Boyd: We think we already did.

Deaton: Would you mind seeing who that is? It's okay, Isaac. We're open.

Erica: Like all of a sudden we heard all this howling. It was unbelievable.

Boyd: There must have been a dozen of them.

Erica: Maybe more.

Derek: Yeah, or maybe only two. You know what the Beau Geste effect is? If they modulate their howls with a rapid shift in tone, 2 wolves can sound like 20.

Erica: Look that doesn't matter, okay? There's another pack out there. There's got to be. We've made up our minds.

Boyd: Yeah, we lost, Derek. And it's over. We're leaving.

Derek: No. No, you're running. And once you start, you don't stop. You'll always be running.

Peter: I expected a slightly warmer welcome. But point taken.

Isaac: Why does it smell like that? What?

Deaton: Scott said almost the same thing to me a few months ago. One day he could somehow tell the difference between which animals were getting better and which were not.

Isaac: He's not getting better, is he? Like cancer.

Deaton: Osteosarcoma. It has a very distinct scent, doesn't it? Come here. I know you're well aware of what your new abilities can do for you. Improved strength, speed, and healing. You ever wonder what it could do for others? Give me your hand. Go on.

Isaac: What did I do?

Scott: You took some of his pain away.

Deaton: Only a little bit. But sometimes a little can make quite a difference.

Scott: It's okay. First time he showed me, I cried too.



Peter: It's quite a situation you've got yourself in here, Derek. I mean, I'm out of commission for a few weeks and suddenly there's lizard people, geriatric psychopaths, and you're cooking up werewolves out of every self - esteem - deprived adolescent in town.

Derek: What do you want?

Peter: Well, I want to help. You're my nephew. The only relative that I have left. You know, there's still a lot that I can teach you. Can we just talk?

Derek: Sure. Let's talk.



Isaac: They're leaving tonight, during the game.

Scott: So, why are you telling me?

Isaac: I'm not telling you. I'm asking you. I'm asking for your advice.

Scott: From me? Why?

Isaac: Because I trust you.

Scott: Why?

Isaac: Because you always seem to want to do the right thing.

Scott: I usually have no idea what I'm doing. Actually I always have no idea what I'm doing.

Isaac: Hmm. Do you want to let me know what you're doing right now?

Scott: I'm not going anywhere if that's what you mean. I have too many people here who need me.

Isaac: Well, I guess that makes me lucky 'cause uh - 'cause I don't have anyone, so.

Scott: Are you gonna go with them?

Isaac: Yeah. Yeah, I think I will. Good luck with the game though.

Scott: Well, thanks, but I'm not... I'm not going either. Can't even think about playing some meaningless game right now.

Isaac: You weren't at practice last week, were you?

Scott: No, I skipped it. Why?

Isaac: Then you didn't hear?

Scott: Hear what?

Isaac: Jackson was there.

Scott: What do you mean "there"? Like, he was...

Isaac: As if nothing had happened.

Scott: Really? That means... The game tonight?

Isaac: Yeah. He's playing.



Danny: You okay, dude?

Jackson: I'm perfect.

Danny: Well, we all know that, but are you okay? You didn't answer my texts all week. I'm getting worried about you. Jackson. Jackson!

Player: Wow, good to go.

Jackson: Stay in the goal tonight, Danny. Do not come out. And if you see me coming towards you, run the other way as fast as you can.

Coach: "Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will be joining others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind."

Melissa: What?

Coach: "Mankind - that word should have new meaning for all of us today."

Melissa: What the hell is he talking about?

Stiles: He does this every year.

Melissa: Seriously?

Stiles: Yeah.

Coach: "We are fighting for our right to live."

Players: Yeah!

Melissa: Wait, is this?

Stiles: Yeah, it's the speech from Independence Day.

Coach: "But as the day the world declared in one voice... "

Stiles: It's Coach's favorite movie.

Coach: "We will not go quietly into the night!"

Melissa: He doesn't know any sports speeches?

Stiles: I don't think he cares.

Coach: "Today we celebrate our Independence Day!"

Players: Yeah!

Gerard: Well spoken, coach. I might have chosen something with a little more historical value, but there's no denying your passion. And while I haven't been here long, there's no denying my pride in having a winning team for this school. I know you'll all be brilliant tonight, even with only one co-captain leading you. Now, I'm your principal, but I'm also a fan. So don't think I'll be content to watch you merely beat this team. Get out there and murder them.

Coach: You heard the man. Asses on the field!

Players: Yeah!

Scott: Coach, are you benching me?

Coach: It's not my decision.

Scott: But I have to play.

Coach: McCall, you're failing three classes. Academics come first.

Scott: Coach, you don't get it. You have to let me play.

Coach: McCall, no. Not tonight. Tonight, you're on the bench.



Peter: You don't actu... Actually think that I want to be the Alpha again, do you? That wasn't my finest performance, considering it ended in my death. I mean, I'm usually more... Okay, go ahead! Come on, do it. Hit me, hit me. I can see that it's cathartic for you. You're letting go of all the anger, self-loathing, and hatred that comes with total and complete failure. I may be the one taking the beating, Derek, but you've already been beaten. So, go ahead. Hit me if it will make you feel better. After all, I did say that I wanted to help.

Derek: You can't help me.



Scott: Your dad coming?

Stiles: Yeah, he's already here.

Scott: You seen Allison?

Stiles: No, you seen Lydia?

Scott: Not yet.

Stiles: You know what's going on?

Scott: Not yet.

Stiles: It's going to be bad, isn't it? I mean, like people screaming, running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming kind of bad?

Scott: Looks like it.

Stiles: Scott, the other night seeing my dad get hit over the head by Matt, you know, while I'm just lying there and I can't even move, it just - I want to help, you know, but I can't do the things that you can do. I can't...

Scott: It's okay.

Stiles: We're losing, dude.

Coach: The hell are you talking about? Game hasn't even started. Now put on your helmet and get out there. You're in for Greenberg.

Stiles: What? What happened to Greenberg?

Coach: What happened to Greenberg? He sucks. You suck slightly less.

Stiles: I'm playing? On the field? With the team?

Coach: Yes, unless you'd rather play with yourself.

Stiles: I already did that today, twice.

Coach: Get the hell out there!

Stiles: Ah.

Sheriff: Oh, no. Why is my son running out to the field?

Melissa: Because he's on the team?

Sheriff: He is.

Melissa: Mm... Hmm.

Sheriff: He's on the team. He's - he's on the field. My son is on the field!

Stiles: Oh, dear God.


Gerard: Scott, can you hear me? Ah, you can. Good. Then listen closely because the game is about to get interesting.


Chris: Play it again.


Gerard: Let's put a real clock on this game, Scott. I'll give you until the last 30 seconds. When that scoreboard clock begins counting down from 30, if you haven't given me Derek, then Jackson is gonna kill someone. So tell me, Scott, who's gonna die tonight? Should it be your mother, who so bravely came out to support you? Or the sheriff, your best friend's father? Or how about the pretty little redhead who managed to survive the bite of an Alpha? Or maybe one of these innocent teenagers with their whole life ahead of them?

Stiles: Oh, God.

Gerard: Or should I do everyone a favor and kill that ridiculous coach? It's up to you, Scott. But you are going to help me take Derek down. Because if you don't... I'll have Jackson rip someone's head off right in the middle of the field and drench everyone you love and care about in blood.



Peter: See? Prime example right here. I'm not healing as fast. Coming back from the dead isn't easy, you know. I'm not as strong as I used to be. I need a pack. An Alpha like you. I need you as much as you need me.

Derek: Why would I want help from a total psycho?

Peter: First of all, I'm not a total psycho. And by the way, you're the one that slashed my throat wide open. But we're all works in progress, right? So, we need each other. Sometimes when you need help, you turn to people you'd never expect.



Melissa: He's probably just warming up.

Stiles: Ooh, I got it, I got it, I got it. I got it, I got it.

Lydia: Oh, he's just a little nervous. Plenty of time to turn it around.

Stiles: Ow.

Coach: Sit down, McCall.

Scott: But, coach, we're dying out there.

Coach: Oh, I'm aware of that. Now sit.

Scott: You came to help.

Isaac: I came to win.



Erica: Come on! Run!

Boyd: Run! Run!

Erica: Come on!

Chris: Allison, wait.

Erica: No! No, no, run. Go. Go!



Isaac: You got a plan yet?

Scott: No, right now it's pretty much just keep Jackson from killing anyone.

Isaac: Well, that might be easier if you're actually in the game. We have to make it so coach has no choice but to play you.

Scott: How do we do that? He's got a bench full of guys he can use before he ever puts me on the field. Can you do it without putting anyone in the hospital?

Isaac: I can try.

Coach: Lahey! Ramirez! You're in. Murphy. You're in. Lahey! Seriously, what the hell is your problem?


Erica: Stop.


Isaac: It's not broken. But I can't move it. I think Jackson nicked me 'cause I can feel it spreading.

Gerard: You want to play chess, Scott? Then you better be willing to sacrifice your own pawns.

EMT: One, two, three.

Coach: McCall. Either you're in or we forfeit.



Melissa: Hey, something's happening, isn't it? Something more than a lacrosse game?

Scott: You should go.

Melissa: Oh, I'm not going anywhere. And everything that I said before, forget it. All of it. Okay? If you can do something to help, then you do it. You have to.

Scott: I will.


Erica: Stop! Please, Allison, stop.


Gerard: Don't you know what you're really bargaining for, Scott? Haven't you guessed what the real offer on the table is? It's Allison. It's always been Allison. You give me Derek, and I'll let you have Allison.

Allison: You owe me a new bow.

Chris: You owe me an explanation.

Allison: For what? I caught them. Me.

Chris: "Caught" came very close to kill. And that's not the way we do this.

Allison: Maybe it's not the way you do it. I think my way worked out pretty well.

Chris: Allison...

Allison: Hey, grandpa, it's me. We got our two runaways. Call us back. What?

Chris: It's just the first time I've heard you call him that.


Gerard: It was a good effort, Isaac. It was. This would be so much more poetic if it were halftime.


Peter: You tried to build your pack. You tried to prepare for the worst. You weren't ready. Because of it, Gerard is winning. He's taking his time. He's toying with Scott. He's going after your wolves, one by one. He's relishing in his victory.

Derek: How about you tell me something I don't know?

Peter: Oh, I'm going to. And it's gonna prove why you should trust me. Why you need to trust me. Because I'm going to tell you how to stop Jackson.

Derek: What do you mean? Know how to kill him?

Peter: Actually, how to save him.


Coach: McCall! Where's McCall?


Stiles: Oh, oh, oh. Ah!

Sheriff: Oh, crap.

Coach: Stilinski! Shoot it. Shoot the ball! Shoot it, you idiot!

Lydia: Shoot it!

Stiles: I scored a goal? I scored a goal! I scored a goal!

Scott: Where is he?

Sheriff: Yeah!


Peter: There's a myth that you can cure a werewolf simply by calling out its Christian name.

Derek: It's just a myth.

Peter: Sometimes myths and legends bear a hint of truth. Our name is a symbol of who we are. The kanima has no identity. That's why it doesn't seek a pack.

Derek: It seeks a master.

Peter: And who else grows up with no pack? No identity?

Derek: An orphan.

Peter: Like Jackson. And right now, his identity is disappearing beneath a reptilian skin and you need to bring him back.

Derek: How?

Peter: Through his heart. How else?

Derek: You know, in case you hadn't noticed, Jackson doesn't really have too much of a heart to begin with.

Peter: Not true. He'd never admit it, but there is one person. One young lady with whom Jackson shared a real bond. One person who can reach him. Who can save him.

Derek: Lydia.

Peter: Your best ally has always been anger, Derek, but what you lack most is a heart. That's why you've always known that you need Scott more than anyone. And even somebody as burned and dead on the inside as me knows better than to underestimate the simple yet undeniable power of human love.


Coach: We did it. We won!

Lydia: Yes.

Stiles: Yeah!

Scott: Nothing happened. Nothing.

Melissa: Scott! Scott, where are you? Scott!

Scott: Mom, mom, mom, mom. Are you okay?

Melissa: Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. But somebody is hurt. Somebody is down on the field.

Coach: Get out of the way. Move. Back off! Move.

Lydia: Jackson? What's happened to Jackson? Jackson! Jackson! Jackson, what's happening?

Coach: Can we get a medic over here? We're gonna need a medic!

Melissa: He's not breathing. No pulse.

Coach: Nothing?

Melissa: Nothing.

Coach: Oh...

Lydia: Oh, my God. There's blood. There's blood.

Scott: Look.

Isaac: He did it to himself.

Melissa: Get down here. Get down here and hold his head. Tilt it up.

Sheriff: Stiles. Where's Stiles? Where... Where's my son? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?



Ecrit par DSWin


Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !