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#212 : Les Immortels

Scott fait tout son possible pour détourner le plan de Gerard suite à une mort choquante sur le terrain de lacrosse.

Parallèlement, Derek complote pour faire chuter Gerard en employant ses propres méthodes.


4.89 - 9 votes

Titre VO
Master Plan

Titre VF
Les Immortels

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Lydia vient voir Stiles

Lydia vient voir Stiles

Jackson est allongé sur la table

Jackson est allongé sur la table

Kanima attaque Allison

Kanima attaque Allison

le shérif & Stiles enquêtent

le shérif & Stiles enquêtent

Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) transformé

Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) transformé

Peter Hale (Ian Bohen)

Peter Hale (Ian Bohen)

Stiles trouve Erika & Boyd

Stiles trouve Erika & Boyd

Stiles Stilinski (Dylan O'Brien)

Stiles Stilinski (Dylan O'Brien)

Le groupe est choqué

Le groupe est choqué

Peter Hale (Ian Bohen)

Peter Hale (Ian Bohen)

Le shérif prend Stiles dans ses bras

Le shérif prend Stiles dans ses bras

Allison & Scott

Allison & Scott

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Photo de l'épisode #2.12


Logo de la chaîne France 4

France (inédit)
Samedi 14.09.2013 à 22:05
0.30m / 1.4% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne MTV

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 13.08.2012 à 22:00
1.71m / 0.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Mme McCall monte dans l'ambulance avec le cadavre de Jackson en direction de l'hôpital.

Stiles se retrouve dans le sous-sol des Argents avec Boyd et Erica. Ils sont vivants, mais attachés au plafond, suspendus par les poignets.

Dans le vestiaire des garçons, le shérif essaie d'être professionnel, mais il est vraiment inquiet pour son fils. Scott et Isaac tentent de le rassurer . L'entraîneur demande à Scott d'augmenter ses notes car il a besoin de lui dans l'équipe.

Scott décide de chercher stiles via son odeur .Derek et Peter arrivent dans le vestiaire. Stiles joue les héros, mais il se fait électrocuter par Erica et Boyd. Gérard arrive. Stiles dit au grand-père d'Allison que Scott est probablement en route vers la maison des Argents , pour les sauver et que Boyd et Erica ne lui diront jamais ou se trouve Derek. Gérard frappe Stiles.

Scott n'est pas très heureux de voir Peter. Derek affronte Scott et lui demande pourquoi il était de mèche avec Gérard. Scott dit qu'il avait menacé Mme McCall. Isaac est perdu, Scott lui raconte qui est Peter et comment il est mort.

Scott demande à Derek comment Peter peut être vivant, il esquive la question. Quoiqu'il en soit, Peter sait comment aider Jackson. Dommage car Jackson est mort. Peter dit que la mort de Jackson doit faire partie du plan maléfique de Gérard.

Chez les «Argents, Chris va dans la chambre d' Allison et y trouve Gerard. Il lui demande ce qui est arrivé au match. "Nous avons gagné " lui répond Gérard , à la fois le match et Jackson.

Allison reproche à Derek dêtre à l'origine de tout, de la transformation de Jackson en kanima , de la mort de sa mère. Chris est inquiet à propos de sa fille . Allison pense que son père devrait être fier, car elle est devenue exactement ce qu'il voulait. En fait,  Chris souligne, qu'elle fait ce que Gérard veut. Puis il emmène son arbalète.

Mme McCall utilise son pass pour entrer dans la morgue. Des gouttes tombent sur le sol . Même si elle est un peu nerveuse, elle ouvre le sac.

Le shérif est à la recherche d'indices dans la chambre de son fils quand Stiles apparaît ensanglanté. Le shérif demande avec colère qui lui a fait ça. Stiles blâme l'équipe adverse.

Peter trouve son portable sous l'escalier des Hales. Puis Mme McCall  appelle Scott , parce que Jackson est couvert d'une sorte de pellicule de plastique dur et que ses griffes sont visibles.

Stiles est triste sur son lit. On frappe à la porte, et c'est Lydia. Après quelques instants, il l'invite à entrer. Lydia est triste car les médecins ne leur a pas laissé voir Jackson.

A la morgue, Scott et Isaac sont déconcertés par ce qui arrive à Jackson. Le kanima commence à montrer ses dents, Scott supplie sa mère de refermer le sac.
Dans son sous-sol, Chris Argent raconte à Boyd et Erica qu'il sait ce qu'il faut comme électricité pour les garder immobilisés. Puis il parle de la ligne entre le naturel et le surnaturel. Puis il touche les cadrans d'électricité.

Lydia trouve tous les cadeaux que Stiles ne lui a pas donné pour son anniversaire, ce qui semble lui faire comprendre à quel point il l'aime. Puis Lydia remarque que Stiles a reçu beaucoup de messages venant de Scott, puis Lydia reçoit un message, elle lui dit que c'est important.

Peter et Derek regardent sur l'ordinateur portable . Jackson commence à bouger, ils l'apprennent par téléphone par Scott. Grâce à ses recherches, Peter réalise que Jackson devint une version bêta du kanima et qu'il est sur le point de se transformer en quelque chose de plus grand, plus méchant. Scott et Isaac emmène le corps de Jackson mais sont surpris par Chris.

Peter dit à Derek qu'ils ont besoin de Lydia, mais Derek veut tuer Jackson. Chris dit à Scott qu'ils ont un ennemi commun, mais il ne parle pas de Jackson.

Lydia ne parle que de Jackson. Elle veut lui parler. Elle prétend pouvoir l'aider. Stiles lui dit que c'est trop dangereux et qu'il serait dévasté si elle mourait.

Chris dit à Scott que Gérard a inflitré l'esprit d'Allison tout comme il l'avait fait avec Kate et qu'ils vont tous deux la perdre. Ils s'associent pour la sauver!

Stiles dit à son père que Lydia est amoureuse de quelqu'un d'autre. Il essaie de lui redonner confiance en faisant remarquer que Stiles a été un héros pendant le match de lacrosse.

Chris ,Scott, et Isaac arrivent à l'entrepôt , à mi-chemin entre l'hôpital et la maison Hale. Derek arrive , et M. Argent assure que l'alpha est ici pour Jackson.
Peter regarde la scène dans un coin. Alors que Scott veut toujours sauver Jackson, Derek dit que c'est trop tard parce que Gerard contrôle le kanima maintenant. Chris dit: "Mon père ne voudrait pas laisser un chien enragé vivre." Gérard arrive.Quand Derek tente de griffer Jackson, le kamina l'empoigne.
Gerard applaudit les efforts de Scott pour sauver son ami, et Allison tire une flèche sur Isaac. Scott est consterné. Tout le monde est prêt à se battre, et le kanima enroule sa queue autour de l'arme de Chris. Derek montre ses crocs; puis Scott, et enfin Isaac ,Allison poignarde Isaac. Elle est sur le point de livrer le coup fatal ... mais le kanima l'attrape. Grâce à son pouvoir, Scott avait pu sentir le cancer de Gérard. Il est en train de mourir et seul une transformation en un loup-garou peut le sauver.

"Quand il s'agit de survie, je tuerais mon propre fils", dit Gérard à Chris. Scott se retransforme en humain et malmène Derek . L'alpha essaie de le raisonner.

Gerard met son bras dans la bouche de Derek qui le mort. Le vieil homme lève le bras en triomphe. Mais quelque chose ne va pas. "J'avais un plan, aussi", dit Scott. Scott a changé les pilules de Gerard avec de la cendre de montagne. Gérard commence à saigner par le nez et vomi une fontaine de sang noir.

"Pourquoi tu me l'a pas dit ?" lui demande Derek. "Tu es un alpha, mais pas le mien», lui répond Scott. Gérard demande au kamina de tuer tout le monde!

Une voiture arrive dans l'entrepôt, Jackson saute sur la voiture, c'est Stiles et Lydia. Lydia sort de la voiture et crie "Jackson." Puis elle lui donne une clé.

Il ya un flashback ou Lydia et Jackson sont dans un lit,  il lui donne sa clé afin qu'elle puisse venir à chaque fois qu'elle en a envie.

Retour dans le présent, le visage de Jackson commence à changer. Il prend la clé .

Derek a du mal à se lever. Peter est toujours là. Jackson regarde tristement Derek qui le griffe avec PeterJackson tombe sur le sol. Lydia le rattrape.

Lydia lui dit qu'elle l'aime toujours et il lui répond que lui aussi. Allison et Scott se tiennent la main.

Jackson est toujours en vie. Il a des griffes et des yeux bleus lumineux. Lydia se jette dans ses bras ,Jackson est à nouveau humain.

Allison est désolée pour tout ce qu'elle a fait et veut rompre avec Scott. Il lui dit qu'il peut attendre. Ils s'embrassent pour la dernière fois.

Scott part, et Chris arrive. Allison le prend dans ses bras.

Dans les bois, Erica et Boyd se retrouvent entourés par une bande de loups-garous menaçants.

Le vétérinaire suit une traînée de sang noir. La conseillère d'orientation est heureuse  qu'il n'est pas pris sa retraite.

Derek révèle à Isaac, un symbole mystérieux gravé sur la porte de la maison des Hale. Les alphas arrivent selon Derek . Ils ne viennent pas corrige Peter . Ils sont déjà là.

Scott et Stiles se dirigent sur le terrain de lacrosse pour s'entrainer et parler des filles. Scott est certain qu'Allison reviendra vers lui, tandis que Stiles dit qu'il est sur la bonne voie pour faire tomber amoureuse Lydia dans les 15 prochaines années.

Scott se rend compte qu'il est revenue au même point de départ: . il ne joue plus dans l'équipe, il n'est pas populaire, et n'a plus de petite amie. Stiles lui dit alors que lui sera toujours là.


Season 2 Episode 12





Previously On Teen Wolf


Jackson: So do you have the key or not?

Lydia: Not.


Erica: Please, Allison, stop.


Peter: I'm going to tell you how to stop Jackson. There is one young lady with whom Jackson shared a real bond. One person who can save him.


Melissa: Somebody is hurt. Somebody is down on the field.

Lydia: Jackson! Jackson!

Isaac: He did it to himself.

Sheriff: Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?





EMT: Thanks for your help. But we can take it from here.

Melissa: You know, I'm gonna have to give a statement. Why don't I ride with you?

EMT: Um, I think that would be a little...

Melissa: Perfect, great.

EMT: Great.

Stiles: Ow, ow. Ow. Ow.

Sheriff: I got to meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson. I've got an APB out on Stiles. His jeep is still in the parking lot, so that means - the hell, I don't know what that means. Um... Look, if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if either one of you see him...

Isaac: We'll call you.

Scott: Look, he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something. We'll find him.

Sheriff: Yeah. I'll see you, okay?

Coach: McCall. We need you on the team, okay? You know I can't put you on the field next season if you don't get your grades up.

Scott: Yeah, I know, coach.

Coach: All right. I mean, I... I know I yell a lot, but it's not like I hate you guys. Well, I kind of hate Greenberg, but, you know, that's different. It's Greenberg. I'm just saying we... I need you on the team. Get your grades back up.

Scott: I will.

Coach: I know.


Scott: Is that everyone?

Isaac: I think so. You're gonna find him by scent?

Scott: Yeah, we both are.

Isaac: But how come you get his shirt and I get a shoe?

Derek: We need to talk.

Peter: All of us.

Scott: Holy sh...


Stiles: Shh. Ow!

Gerard: They were trying to warn you. It's electrified.

Stiles: What are you doing with them?

Gerard: At the moment, just keeping them comfortable. There's no point in torturing them, they won't give Derek up. The instinct to protect their Alpha's too strong.

Stiles: Okay. So what are you doing with me? Because Scott can find me, all right? He knows my scent. It's pungent, you know? It's more like a stench. He could find me even if I was buried at the bottom of a sewer covered in fecal matter and urine.

Gerard: You have a knack for creating a vivid picture, Mr. Stilinski. Let me paint one of my own. Scott McCall finds his best friend bloodied and beaten to a pulp. How does that sound?

Stiles: I think I might prefer more of a still life or landscape, you know? What... What are you, 90? Look, I can probably kick your ass up and down this room.

Stiles: Okay. Wait, wait, wait. Okay, wait, wait.



Scott: What the hell is this?

Derek: You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff's station.

Scott: Okay, hold on. He... He threatened to kill my mom. And I had to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?

Peter: I'm gonna go with Scott on this one. Have you seen his mom? She's gorgeous.

Derek/Scott: Shut up.

Isaac: Who is he?

Scott: That's Peter, Derek's Uncle. Little while back, he tried to kill us all, and then we set him on fire, and Derek slashed his throat.

Peter: Hi.

Isaac: That's good to know.

Scott: How is he alive?

Derek: Look, the short version is he knows how to stop Jackson. And maybe how to save him.

Isaac: Well, that's very helpful except Jackson's dead.

Derek: What?

Scott: Yeah, Jackson's dead. It just happened on the field.

Isaac: Okay, why is no one taking this as good news?

Peter: Because if Jackson is dead, it didn't just happen. Gerard wanted it to happen.

Derek: But why?

Peter: Well, that's exactly what we need to figure out. And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing. Quickly.



Chris: I saw the lights flicker.

Gerard: Probably just one of our guests getting comfortable downstairs. Get some sleep if you can. I have a feeling the next 24 hours are going to be eventful.

Chris: You gonna tell me what happened at the game?

Gerard: Didn't you hear? We won.

Chris: I meant Jackson.

Gerard: So did I.


Allison: You need something?

Chris: I want you to step aside and let us handle this.

Allison: You're kidding, right?

Chris: One of your friends is dead.

Allison: Because of Derek. How do you think Jackson became that thing in the first place? Kate, mom, Jackson.

Chris: What about Scott? What if he dies too?

Allison: Since when did you care about Scott?

Chris: I care about you.

Allison: Really, dad. If you're going to start quoting from the list of the top five things a parent should say to a child every day, why don't you start with, "I'm proud of you” because I am doing exactly what you wanted.

Chris: No, Allison. You're doing exactly what he wants. We all are.

Allison: I'm tired. I just really want to pass out, okay?

Chris: Fine.

Allison: By the way, don't forget you owe me a new bow.

Chris: And a new crossbow.



Melissa: Oh, God, are we gonna do this? Yeah, we're gonna do this, okay.


Sheriff: Yeah, I'm not finding any clues here. Listen, if he... If he shows up at the hospital... Okay, thanks. Oh, come on, Stiles. Where the hell are you?

Stiles: Right here. It's okay. Dad, it's okay.

Sheriff: Who did it?

Stiles: It's okay. It was just a couple kids from the other team. You know, they were really pissed about losing and I was... I was mouthing off, you know. The next thing I know...

Sheriff: Who was it?

Stiles: Dad, I don't know. I didn't even see them really.

Sheriff: I want descriptions.

Stiles: Look, dad, come on. It's not even that bad.

Sheriff: I... I'm calling that school. I'm calling them and I'll personally go down there, and I'm gonna pistol - whip these little bastards!

Stiles: Dad! I just... I said I was okay.

Sheriff: God.



Scott: Oh. Oh, they found Stiles.

Derek: I told you, I looked everywhere.

Peter: You didn't look here.

Derek: What is that, a book?

Peter: No. It's a laptop. What century are you living in? A few days after I got out of the coma, I transferred everything that we had. Fortunately, the Argents aren't the only ones that keep records.

Scott: Hey, mom, I can't talk right now.

Melissa: Oh, yeah? Well, I'm so freaked out that I can barely talk either.

Scott: What's wrong?

Melissa: Something... Definitely something. I don't know what, but I think you're gonna want to see this for yourself.




Stiles: Dad, I said I'm fine.

Lydia: Hi.

Stiles: Hi.

Lydia: Your father let me in.

Stiles: He did? Yeah, of course he did.

Lydia: What happened to your...

Stiles: Oh, uh... Yeah, no, it's nothing. Don't worry about it. I'm fine. Do you want to come in? How are you doing?

Lydia: They won't let me see him. I'm supposed to give him something. He kept asking for it back.



Scott: What's happening to him?

Melissa: I thought that you were gonna tell me. Is it bad?

Scott: It doesn't look good.

Isaac: Whoa.

Scott: Whoa. Um, mom, could you zip it up, please?

Melissa: Okay. Okay, okay. Okay, here we go.

Scott: Mom, zip.

Melissa: Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Scott: Zip! Zip, mom, zip! Zip!



Chris: You know, my family's done this for a long time. Long enough to learn things like how a certain level of electric current can keep you from transforming. At another level, you can't heal. A few amps higher, and no heightened strength. That kind of scientific accuracy... It makes you wonder where the line between the natural and the supernatural really exists. It's when lines like that blur... You sometimes find yourself surprised by which side you end up on.



Stiles: Hey, sorry, I didn't have any tissues, so, uh...

Lydia: That's fine. God, I'm such a mess. God. You have 17 missed messages from Scott.

Stiles: I know.

Lydia: You're ignoring him?

Stiles: No. No, not really.

Lydia: Why do you have women's jewelry?

Stiles: Oh. Uh, nothing, it's just some stuff I bought, you know, for your birthday.

Lydia: For me?

Stiles: Yeah, I just... I kind of didn't know what to get you, so I just bought you, like, a bunch of stuff. Like, a lot of stuff. You know, I was gonna return anything that I didn't give you.

Lydia: A flat screen TV?

Stiles: Yeah, that I'm definitely returning.

Lydia: You're gonna want to read this.



Derek: They say he's in some kind of transparent casing made from the venom coming out of his claws.

Peter: That sounds sufficiently terrifying.

Derek: They also say he's starting to move.

Peter: Okay, look, I think I found something. Looks like what we've seen from Jackson is just the kanima's beta shape.

Derek: Well, meaning what? It can turn into something bigger?

Peter: Bigger and badder.

Derek: He's turning into that? That has wings.

Peter: I can see that.

Derek: Scott, bring him to us.

Scott: I'm not sure if we have time for that.

Peter: Look, somebody actually made an animation of it. Maybe it's less frightening if we... Nope, not at all. We should probably meet them halfway.

Derek: Scott, get him out of there now... Go now.


Gerard: Wake up, sweetheart. It's starting.

Scott: Hold on, hold on. Okay, go. Go, go, go, go, go.


Peter: Derek, we need Lydia.

Derek: There's no time for...

Peter: That's the problem. We're rushing. We're moving too fast. And while everybody knows that a moving target is harder to hit, here we are, racing right into Gerard's crosshairs.

Derek: If I get the chance to kill Jackson, I'm taking it.



Scott: You're alone.

Chris: More than you know.

Scott: What do you want?

Chris: We don't have much in common, Scott. But at the moment, we have a common enemy.

Scott: That's why I'm trying to get him out of here.

Chris: I didn't mean Jackson.




Stiles: How much do you know about this stuff?

Lydia: Pieces. Half of it's like a dream.

Stiles: Yeah, well, guess what? The other half is like a freaking nightmare.

Lydia: I don't care. I can help him.

Stiles: See, that's the problem. You... You don't care about getting hurt. But you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freakin' mind. You see, death doesn't happen to you, Lydia. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it? Huh? And look at my face, huh? Come on, you actually think this was meant to hurt me? Um - I'm so sorry.

Lydia: It's okay. I'll find him myself.

Stiles: Hey, Lydia, wait.



Chris: Gerard has twisted his way into Allison's head, the same way he did with Kate. And I'm losing her. And I know you'relosing her too.

Scott: You're right. So can you trust me to fix this? Then can you let us go?

Chris: No. My car is faster.



Sheriff: She left, huh?

Stiles: Yeah.

Sheriff: So is there, uh... Anything there?

Stiles: No. No, she's in love with someone else.

Sheriff: Ah. Listen... I know that getting beaten up, and with what happened to Jackson, has gotten you pretty shaken. But be happy about one thing. The game. You were amazing.

Stiles: Thanks, dad.

Sheriff: No, I mean it. Look, it was pretty much over. And then you got the ball, and you started running. You scored, and the tide just turned. And you scored again and again. You weren't just MVP of the game. You were a hero.

Stiles: No, I'm not a hero, dad.

Sheriff: You were last night.

Stiles: I'm not a hero.



Isaac: I think he stopped moving.

Chris: Where's Derek?

Peter: Someone certainly enjoys making an entrance.

Chris: I'm here for Jackson. Not you.

Derek: Somehow, I don't find that very comforting. Get him inside.

Scott: Where are they?

Derek: Who?

Scott: Peter and Lydia. Whoa, hold on a second. You said you knew how to save him.

Derek: We're past that.

Scott: What about...

Derek: Think about it, Scott. Gerard controls him now. He's turned Jackson into his own personal guard dog. And he set all of this in motion so that Jackson could get even bigger and more powerful.

Chris: No. No, he wouldn't do that. If Jackson's a dog, he's turning rabid, and my father wouldn't let a rabid dog live.

Gerard: Of course not. Anything that dangerous, that out of control... Is better off dead.

Gerard: Well done to the last, Scott. Like the concerned friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn't realize that you were also bringing Derek to me.

Scott: Allison?

Scott: No, Allison!

Gerard: Not yet, sweetheart.

Allison: What are you doing?

Scott: He's doing what he came here to do.

Gerard: Then you know.

Allison: What's he talking about?

Gerard: It was the night outside the hospital, wasn't it, when I threatened your mother. I knew I saw something in your eyes. You could just smell it, couldn't you?

Isaac: He's dying.

Gerard: I am. I have been for a while now. Unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet. But the supernatural does.

Chris: You monster.

Gerard: Not yet.

Allison: What are you doing?

Chris: You'll kill her too?

Gerard: When it comes to survival, I'd kill my own son! Scott.

Derek: Scott, don't. You know that he's gonna kill me right after. He'll be an Alpha.

Gerard: That's true. But I think he already knows that, don't you, Scott? He knows that the ultimate prize is Allison. Do this small task for me, and they can be together. You are the only piece that doesn't fit, Derek. And in case you haven't learned yet, there is just no competing with young love.

Derek: Scott, don't! Don't!

Scott: I'm sorry. But I have to.

Peter: What the...

Gerard: What? What is this? What did you do?

Scott: Everyone said Gerard always had a plan. I had a plan too.

Gerard: No. No.

Scott: You dropped this.

Gerard: Mountain ash!

Derek: Why didn't you tell me?

Scott: Because you might be an Alpha, but you're not mine.

Gerard: Kill them! Kill them all!

Stiles: Did I get him? Whoa!

Lydia: Jackson! Jackson.

Stiles: Lydia:

Scott: Wait.

Jackson: Here. It's to the front door.

Lydia: A key to your house? Already?

Jackson: Well, it's not a wedding ring.

Lydia: So you're just making me a more accessible late night Booty call.

Jackson: Late night... Late afternoon. Late morning.


Jackson: Do you... Do you still...

Lydia: I do. I do still love you. I do, I do still love you. I do. I do. I do still love you, I do.


Allison: Where's Gerard?

Chris: He can't be far.

Stiles: Scratched my jeep.

Allison: I'm sorry.

Scott: You don't have to say you're sorry.

Allison: I do. I have to for what I did and what I said. For everything. Especially for what I have to do now.

Scott: It's okay.

Allison: No, it's not.

Scott: It is.

Allison: Scott, I'm trying to break up with you.

Scott: I know. And it's okay.

Allison: How is that okay?

Scott: Because I can wait.

Allison: I can't make you wait for me. I'm not going to do that.

Scott: You don't have to. Because I know we're gonna be together.

Allison: There's no such thing as fate.

Scott: There's no such thing as werewolves.



Boyd: No, wait!

Erica: What? Are you okay?

Boyd: Yeah, I just need to... Catch my breath.



Ms. Morrell: You're not planning on getting your hands dirty, are you?

Deaton: I do what I have to.

Ms. Morrell: Good. I never liked you being retired anyway.

Deaton: Whoever said I was retired?

Peter: You haven't told him everything yet, have you?

Isaac: What do you mean?



Peter: Why do you think Derek was in such a hurry to build his pack? So eager to strengthen his power and his number? When there's a new Alpha, people take notice.

Isaac: People like who? What is this? What does this mean?

Derek: It's their symbol. And it means they're coming.

Isaac: Who?

Derek: Alphas.

Isaac: More than one?

Derek: A pack of them.

Peter: An Alpha pack. And they're not coming. They're already here.



Stiles: So you really think she's gonna come back to you?

Scott: Yeah, I know she is. What about you and Lydia?

Stiles: Ah. Well, the 10 year plan for making Lydia fall in love with me may have to stretch to 15, but the plan is definitely still in motion.

Scott: Why don't you just ask her out?

Stiles: Yeah, okay. Why don't you just get into the goal and help me make team captain like you promised there, big guy.

Scott: Hey, you know what I just realized? I'm right back where I started.

Stiles: What do you mean?

Scott: I mean no lacrosse, no popularity, no girlfriend. Nothing.

Stiles: Dude, you still got me.

Scott: I had you before.

Stiles: Yeah, and you still got me. Okay? It's a life fulfilled.

Scott: Very.

Stiles: Now remember, no wolf powers.

Scott: Got it.

Stiles: No, I mean it. No super fast reflexes, no super eyesight, no hearing - none of that crap, okay?

Scott: Okay. Come on.

Stiles: You promise?

Scott: Would you just take the shot already?

Stiles: I said no wolf powers!



Ecrit par DSWin

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !