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#111 : Le bal

Le bal du Winter Formal a lieu à l'école. Scott lutte pour défendre ses amis et ses ennemis tout en protégeant son secret vis-à-vis d'Allison.


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Le bal

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Kate a capturé Derek

Kate a capturé Derek

Scott est énervé

Scott est énervé

Derek se met à hurler

Derek se met à hurler

Stiles & Lydia dansent

Stiles & Lydia dansent

Allison a peur

Allison a peur

Le groupe arrive au bal

Le groupe arrive au bal

Melissa parle avec son fils

Melissa parle avec son fils

Scott danse avec Danny

Scott danse avec Danny

Peter Hale

Peter Hale

Lydia a peur

Lydia a peur

Lydia choisit une robe

Lydia choisit une robe

Peter interrompt la séance shooping

Peter interrompt la séance shooping

Scott & Allison dansent

Scott & Allison dansent

Lydia tombe

Lydia tombe

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Photo de l'épisode #1.11

Plus de détails

L'épisode s'ouvre sur une scène ou on voit Allison dans sa voiture qui se fait  intercepter pour excès de vitesse. Lorsque le père de Stiles lui parle de son infraction, elle commence à pleurer . Dans une autre scène elle regarde sa tante Kate. Kate torture Derek, puis ne fois transformé elle lui montre ses dents pointues.

Scott se remet de ses blessures dans le bureau du vétérinaire. Peter Hale vient chercher Scott, mais le vétérinaire ne le laisse pas entrer. Il essaie de traverser le bureau, jette une chaise contre le mur,mais il est déja partie.

Scott cherche désespérément son téléphone. Stiles pense que Scott devrait laisser Derek partir, mais Scott est déterminé à le sauver. Devant chez lui, il entend sa mère lui laisser un message ,mais surtout il voit Peter avec elle. Stiles dit à Scott qu'il ne pourra pas sauver tout le monde .Allison se retourne dans son lit pendant que Scott la protége sur son toit.

Dans le vestiaire, l'entraîneur Finstock dit à Scott qu'il ne peut pas aller au bal parce qu'il a échoué. Le Coach le garde dans l'équipe parce qu'il ne veut pas perdre son meilleur joueur. Scott tente alors de convaincre Jackson d'emmener Allison au bal en soulignant combien elle est en danger.  Scott utilise ses pouvoirs de persuasion sur Jackson pour le convaincre.

Lydia et Allison font du shopping. Lydia va assister au bal avec Stiles.

Kate se demande si Derek a dit à sa sœur ce qui s'est réellement passé dans l'incendie. Elle dit qu'il va falloir qu'il l'aide sinon l'histoire va se répèter. Il  réalise que Jackson n'est pas un autre alpha, mais Scott.

Chez Scott, sa mère lui demande d'être honnête avec Allison. Au bal les choses vont mals. Lydia essaie de ne pas descendre dans l'estime de Jackson. Scott rôde autour du bal quand il remarque Peter et l'entraîneur.

Stiles demande à Lydia de danser, il lui dit alors qu'il est amoureux d'elle depuis longtemps. Il souligne qu'il est le seul qui sait vraiment qu'elle est intelligente . Il lui dit qu'un jour, elle va passer à autre chose et obtenir un prix Nobel pour un théorème mathématique.

Au bal Scott est finalement dévert lorsque l'entraîneur le poursuit à travers la piste. Scott percute Danny, et danse avec lui. Scott prétend être le rendez vous de Danny .Scott et Allison dansent . Allison tente d'expliquer à Scott ce qu'elle sait sur sa famille et Scott lui dit qu'il l'aime.

A l'extérieur, Jackson se promène dans les bois, il voit alors de yeux rouges . Il tombe sur le père d'Allison, il lui révèle l'identité de Scott. Lydia arrête de danser avec Stiles et part chercher Jackson, mais entre temps  Jackson revient au bal. Stiles sait que quelque chose de terrible est arrivé.

Sur le terrain de lacrosse, Lydia appelle à Jackson. L'alpha attaque Lydia. Stiles parvient à la sauver .

Scott et Allison se précipitent dehors , à l'écart, près des bus scolaires. La scène ressemble à celle qui s'est produite dans le rêve de Scott dans le troisième épisode, lorsque le chauffeur de bus est tué. Scott se rend compte que l'histoire pourrait être sur le point de se répéter. Allison se jette dans le bus et l'embrasse à travers la fenêtre. A ce moment le père d'Allison tire, et aveugle scott avec ses phares de voiture. De l'autre côté de Scott une autre voiture arrive . Allison hurle dans le bus, Scott fait un bond entre les deux voitures. Il se transforme devant Allison.

Season 1 / Episode 11




(Allison drives, she recalls his discussion with Kate in the Hale's house basement.)

Allison : What are you doing to him ? Is that gonna kill him ?

Kate : Oh, come on, kiddo. Don't get all ethical on me now.

Allison : What is he ?

Kate : Shape - shifter. Lycan. Werewolf. To me he's just another dumb animal.

Kate : Come here. See these right here ? These are canines, also known as fangs. Made for the tearing and rending of flesh. Not something you'd find on those cute little leaf - eating herbivores, is it ?

Allison : This is a joke to you ?

Kate : Sweetheart, there are werewolves running around in the world. Everything's a joke to me. How else do you think I stay sane ?

Allison : So - it was him at the high school and all the other animal attacks ?

Kate : There's actually three of them - Another younger one like him called a Beta, and then there's the Alpha. Alpha's the pack leader - Bigger, stronger, nastier. Those - are the real ugly motherf -

(Police asks Allison to park.)

Allison : Oh, God, not now.

Allison : When were they gonna tell me ?

Kate : They still haven't decided if they're gonna tell you.

Allison : Why ?

Kate : Let's just say if you react badly when you find out - Not good.

Allison : What do you mean,"not good" ?

Kate : They don't think that you can handle it. They look at you and they see this frightened little girl who's gonna run crying in the corner when she finds out the truth. Me - what I see - Natural talent. Allison, you said you wanted to feel more powerful, right ? Now's your chance.

Allison : What am I supposed to do now ?

Kate : Go to school, do your homework. Go to the Formal on Friday night. Be a normal teenage girl who doesn't know anything. Trust me to get everything ready for the next part.

Allison : What's the next part ?

Kate : You're gonna help me catch the second Beta.

Sheriff : Allison ? You all right ?

Allison : Yeah. Sorry I was going so fast, I - I didn't realize I - I -

(Allison cries.)

Sheriff : Oh, no. Uh - Okay, all right, uh - Listen, you weren't going that fast. Just, uh - 75 in a 25 in a - construction zone.

Allison : Oh, God - uh, I'm not crying get out of the ticket. I just, um - I don't want you to think I'm like this -

Sheriff : No, it's okay, perfectly okay. It's, uh -

Allison : No, please. Write me a ticket. I need you to write me a ticket, okay ?

Sheriff : Okay. I don't see how that's gonna really make you feel a lot better -

Allison : It's so humiliating. I swear I'm not like this.

Sheriff : I understand.

Allison : This isn't me. This is - this is - This is not me! This is not me. I'm okay.

Sheriff : Yeah ?

Allison : Yeah. I'm okay. I'm okay.

Sheriff : Do I still have to write you a ticket ?


Deaton : Welcome back to the land of the conscious. You doing okay ? Maybe you should sit down, huh ?

(The door bell rings.)

Deaton : Hello ?

(Deaton goes to the lobby.)

Deaton : I'm sorry, but we're - We're closed.

Peter : Hi there. I'm here to pick up.

Deaton : I'm not sure I remember you dropping off.

Peter : This one wandered in on its own.

Deaton : Even if he did, I'm afraid I can't help you - We're closed.

Peter : Well, I think you can make an exception this one time - Don't you ?

Deaton : I'm sorry. That's not going to be possible. Maybe you could come back during regular hours.

Peter : You have something of mine. I'm here to collect it.

Deaton : Like I said - We're closed.

Peter : Mountain ash. That's an old one.

Deaton : Let me be as clear as possible. We - are - closed.

Peter (muttering to Scott) : There are others who can help me get what I want, Scott. More innocent - and far more vulnerable.

Scott : Allison !


Scott : Call it again.

Stiles : It's not here. Okay, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one ?

Scott : I can't afford a new one. And I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek.

Stiles : Well, "A", you're not alone. You have me. And "B", didn't you say Derek walked into gunfire ? He sounds pretty dead.

Scott : Argent's plan was to use him to get to the Alpha - they're not gonna kill him.

Stiles : All right, so then just let them do what they're planning, you know ? They use Derek to get Peter - problem solved.

Scott : Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek ! I can't protect her on my own. Which means we either find Derek first - just - just help me !

Stiles : You know, you probably lost it when you two were fighting. You remember that, when he was trying to kill you, after you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson ? Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here ?

Scott : He wasn't going to kill anyone. And I'm not letting him die.

Stiles : Could you at least think about letting him die ? For me ? What ?

Scott : My Mom just got home from work.

(Scott listen his mother.)

Melissa (phone) : Hi. It's me. Melissa Mccall. I'm - giving you a call, haha. That always sounds really weird because of my last name, McCall. So - yeah. Um - You know, I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to reschedule dinner or lunch. It doesn't have to be dinner. Lunch is good. Or maybe you would like to do coffee, or maybe you're a tea drinker. I don't know. You know, we could also just go out for drinks. Yeah, 'cause I think I need a few after this profoundly embarrassing phone call. So if this really doesn't freak you out too much after this disastrous call, feel free to, um, give me a call.

Stiles : Is she okay ? What's she doing ?

Scott : Crying.

Stiles : Scott, you can't protect everyone.

Scott : I have to.


Kate : Come on, Derek. He killed your sister. Now - either you're not telling me because, well, you want to kill him yourself, or for some reason - You're protecting him. Look at that sour face. I bet you always used to get people coming up to you saying, "Smile, Derek." "Why don't you smile more ?" Don't you just wanna - kick those people in the face ?

Derek : I can think of one.

Kate : Promise ? 'cause if I thought you'd be that much fun - I'd let you go. All right, let's see. Nothing, nothing, nothing. God, I hate this detective crap.

Derek : Are you gonna torture me - Or are you just gonna talk me to death, huh ?

Kate : Oh, sweetie, I don't - I don't wanna torture you. I just - wanna catch up. Remember all the fun we had together ?

Derek : Like the time you burned my family alive ?

Kate : No, I was thinking more about the - hot, crazy sex we had. But the fire thing. Yeah, that was fun too. I love how much you hate me. Remember how this felt ?

(Kate licks Derek's abs.)

Kate : Sweetheart, I really don't want to torture you. But he does.


Scott : What do you mean, I can't go to the formal ?

Coach : McCall, you're failing my class and two others. They told me to cut you from the team. I told them I'd sooner cut off my last remaining testicle than cut my best player.

Scott : S - so the compromise is I can't go to the dance ?

Coach : Yeah.

Scott : Then I quit the team.

Coach : No, you don't. And if you show up at the dance. And I see you there - I'm gonna drag you out by your teeth.


Jackson : You want me to take her to the formal.

Scott : I don't want you to. I need you to.

Jackson : Screw you. You know what ? Screw you too. In fact, screw each other.

Stiles : Hey, you know he saved your life, right ?

Jackson : He left me for dead.

Scott : I got shot for you.

Jackson : Oh, yeah ? Show me the bullet wound.

Scott : You know it healed.

Jackson : Convenient.

Scott : Just do it for Allison, okay ? She's in serious danger. I'm talking around - the - clock danger. She needs someone to keep an eye on her at the dance.

Jackson : Have her dad do it, okay ? He's the one actually equipped to handle this.

Scott : How am I supposed to do that and keep him from finding out about me ?

Jackson : Not my problem.

Scott : You're her friend too. You are. All that time that you spent with her to get to me you can't tell me that you didn't get to know her and like her. It's Allison. It's impossible not to like her. You can't tell me that you don't care if she gets hurt.

Jackson : What if I get hurt ?

Scott : Then it's worth it.

Jackson : Not to me.

Stiles : Well, I shouldn't say I told you so - 'cause it's not strong enough. How about I'm always right, and you should listen to whatever I have to say and never disagree ever, ever, for the sake of your wolflihood ?

Scott : I'm not done.

Stiles : You're not done. Okay.

Scott : One more thing.


Jackson : Hey, what time should I pick you up for the dance tomorrow ?

Allison : Are you okay ?

Jackson : Yeah, I - I'm great. I'm just excited to go to the formal. With you. As friends. Just friends. Just - just friends.


Stiles : Hey, don't worry. I'll still be there.

Scott : I'm still going.

Stiles : Is that such a good idea ? Do you even have a date ?

Scott : Not yet.

Stiles : Do you have a suit ?

Scott : Not yet.

Stiles : Do you have a ticket to the formal ? A ride there ?

Scott : No. And no.

Stiles : So you're gonna ride your bike to a dance that you're not even allowed to go to without a date, a suit, or a way in with werewolves and werewolf hunters all out to kick your little werewolf ass.

Scott : Yeah. You gonna help me ?

Stiles : Hell, yeah.


Allison : Nothing's wrong, I just - I have a lot on my mind.

Lydia : You could smile, at least. Ever heard of the saying, "Never frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile" ? Smile, Allison. I'm buying you a dress.

Allison : Have to admit as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected.

Lydia : Excellent.

Allison : But not as much as I'm going to ask.

Lydia : What ? What's that supposed to mean ?

Allison : It means you're going to cancel on whatever dumb, roided - up jock you said yes to and you're going to go with somebody else.

Lydia : Who ?

Allison : Him.

(Stiles tries a fragrance and gets into the nose. He coughs.)

Allison : Don't frown, Lydia. Someone could be falling in love with your smile.


(Lydia grabs dresses and gives Stiles.)

Stiles : Oh - okay, so are you just gonna - try these on right now ? All of them ? Is this a 24 - hour Macy's ?

(Allison is looking for a dress.)

Peter : That's not your color. Sorry if that was intrusive, but - considering your skin tone, I'd go lighter.

Allison : Because I'm pale ?

Peter : Fair. I mean, you can't call skin like yours pale. Not skin that perfect.

Allison : Okay.

Peter : Trust me, I - I have a unique perspective on the subject. Do you mind ? See ? Much better. You're not here alone, are you ? Shopping for dresses - with friends. High school dance.

Allison : Formal.

Announcer : Attention shoppers. To the owner of a blue Mazda, license plate -

Allison : Did she just say a blue Mazda ?

Announcer : - 5768. Your car is being towed -

Allison : Oh ! That's my car.

Peter (muttering to Scott) : I have to say, Scott, I continue to be impressed with your ingenuity. Just remember - You can't be everywhere all the time.


Chris (in Kate's voicemail) : Hey. It is me. I'm getting tired of leaving messages. I wanna know where you are. Call me. Now.

Kate : Unfortunately, Derek, if you're not gonna talk - I'm just gonna have to kill you. So say hi to your sister for me. You did tell her about me, didn't you ? The truth about the fire ? Or did you ? Did you tell anybody ? Oh, sweetie - That's just a lot of guilt to keep buried. It's not all your fault. You got tricked by a pretty face. It happens ! Handsome young werewolf mistakenly falls in love with a super - hot girl who comes from a family that kills the werewolves. Is that ironic ? Is it - ironic - That you're inadvertently helping me track down the rest of the pack - again ? Or just a little bit of history repeating. History repeating. It's not Jackson, is it ? Oh, no, no, no, he's got a little scratch on the back of his neck, but - he's not in love with Allison. Not like Scott.


Melissa : This is really nice. How did you afford a - oh -

Scott : It's not gonna work, is it ?

Melissa : No, no, it's fine, it's fine. No one'll notice. No one legally blind.

Scott : I heard that.

Melissa : Okay, well, you just come in here, and we can try it. Come on, come on, come on. Let's do this. See ? I actually think this is gonna work.

Scott : Really ?

Melissa : Turn. And - no.

(There is a hole on Scott's pants.)

Scott : What ?

Melissa : Yeah.

Scott : What - I - I don't have time for this ! I can't buy new ones, Mom ! What am I gonna do ?

Melissa : Okay, don't panic, all right ? Take them off. Pants off now. So is she coming here, because you know I need the car tonight.

Scott : No. I'm going stag.

Melissa : You're going alone ?

Scott : Stag. There's a difference. Sort of.

Melissa : I'm sorry, I'm just a little, you know, surprised that, you know, you don't have anyone else to ask other than Allison.

Scott : There are no other girls besides Allison.

Melissa : You really feel that way ?

Scott : Can you just please keep sewing ?

Melissa : No, no, no, no. You have time for just one question. Come here. Do you really feel that way ?

Scott : I can't help it. I mean, every time I look at her, I get this - this hollow feeling in my chest, and it's like - it's like someone literally took a shovel and dug a hole in me, and it's the worst feeling I've ever had in my life, and I didn't - I didn't know anyone could actually ever feel this bad.

Melissa : I know. Everyone knows eventually. It does go away.

Scott : I don't want it to.

Melissa : Have you told her how you feel ?

Scott : She knows.

Melissa : Come on, she knows. She knows ? Listen, dumb ass, I'm gonna let you in on a secret that most guys don't even have a clue about, all right ? You ready ? Women love words.

Scott : Huh ?

Melissa : You need to tell her how you feel. Just say it. Say it again. Say it differently. Learn how to say it better. Learn how to sing it. You know, just write it in a poem and a letter attached to flowers, carve it in a tree, in a sidewalk with cement - tattoo on your arm.

Scott : Really ?

Melissa : No. Not really. Just - Tell her the truth. Tell her - anything and everything you want.

Scott : Everything ?

Melissa : But when you do - I'd keep that buttoned. Here you go.


(Jackson drinks and offers Allison.)

Allison : I'm good, thanks.

Jackson : You want to do tonight sober ?

Allison : I wouldn't mind remembering some of it.

Jackson : Yeah, well - I wouldn't mind forgetting all of it.

Allison : Do you know if Scott's coming ?

Jackson : I know he's not allowed to. Academic probation.

(Jacskon leaves the car.)

Allison : Normal teenage girl. You can do this. Smile, Allison. Somebody could be falling in love with your -


Lydia : Jackson. You look handsome.

Jackson : Obviously. It's Hugo Boss.

(Jackson leaves with Allison.)

Lydia : I don't care. I don't want compliments. I will not fall prey to society's desire to turn girls into emotional, insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark.

Stiles : Well, I think you look beautiful.

Lydia : Really ?


Allison : Do you wanna dance ?

Jackson : Do I have to ?

Allison : Not the response I was expecting, but - No, I guess not.


Stiles : You wanna dance ?

Lydia : Pass.

Stiles : You know what ? Let me try that again. Lydia - get off your cute little ass and dance with me now.

Lydia : Interesting tactic. I'm gonna stick with no.

Stiles : Lydia, get up - okay ? You're gonna dance with me. I don't care that you made out with my best friend for some weird power thing, I don't - Lydia, I've had a crush on you since the third grade. And I know that somewhere inside that cold, lifeless exterior there's an actual human soul. And I'm also pretty sure that I'm the only one who knows how smart you really are. Uh - huh. And that once you're done pretending to be a nitwit - you'll eventually go off and write some insane mathematical theorem that wins you the Nobel Prize.

Lydia : A Fields Medal.

Stiles : What ?

Lydia : Nobel doesn't have a prize for mathematics. The Fields Medal's the one I'll be winning.


Coach : McCall ! I see you ! Come here, buddy. Come here. McCall ! Get outta my way ! McCall ! It's a small gym, buddy. I'm gonna find you. I gotcha, McCall ! Come here, come here ! Get outta my way ! McCall !

Scott : Danny, Danny, dance with me.

Danny : What ?

Scott : Dance with me.

Danny : No.

Scott : Please ! Right now ! Right now !

Coach: McCall ! You're not supposed to - What the hell are you do - What the hell are you doing ?

Scott : Yes, coach ?

Coach : Okay, ho - ho - ho - ha ha. Hold on, you - I was just saying he's not supposed to - I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't - You guys don't think - You don't - I - I was - Just dance, everybody. Just dance ! Dance ! It's a party !

Scott : Thanks, dude, I owe you !

Coach : What are you looking at, Greenberg ?

Scott : Allison.

Allison : Yes, I would love to dance with you.


Stiles : You okay ?

Lydia : Just - need to take a little break.

Stiles : You mean you need to go find Jackson. I get it.


Jackson : Come on. Come on, do it. I know you're here. Come on ! Come on - I wanna be like you. I wanna be one of you. Please.

Chris : Unfortunately, Jackson, I don't think I can give you what you want. But I have a feeling you might be able to help me.


Allison : What ?

Scott : It's just hard not to look at you.

Allison : I like it when you look at me.

Scott : I remember this one time, Uh - I was holding you and you fell asleep in my arms and - I was watching you and I thought, "I could stay like this for hours." And then - you started drooling and it got kinda disgusting. And then my arm fell asleep with your head on it and pins and needles started to hurt.

Allison : Okay. Shut up.

Scott : Sorry. I just like hearing you laugh. And, uh - I kinda love your smile. Allison, I need to tell you something. Remember when we were talking in my room the other night ?

Allison : Oh, you don't have to apologize. Stiles told me about the car accident.

Scott : I - it's not that. It's about Derek, and it's about everything that you were trying to tell me.

Allison : That was, uh - forget about that. I - I - I don't know what I was talking about.

Scott : I do, and I believe you.

Allison : You don't have to. I know things now - things are different. Just - just trust me.


Jackson : You promise you won't hurt him.

Chris : Of course not. He's just a kid.

Jackson : What are you gonna do ?

Chris : I'm going to take care of it. Now, go back to the dance, Jackson. Be with your friends. Be a normal teenager.


Lydia : Jackson !


Scott : You weren't wrong.

Allison : Yes. I was. The stuff I was saying, it was crazy, so -

Scott : Allison, please let me talk.

Allison : Why did you do that ?

Scott : Because I love you.


Stiles : Where the hell have you been ? Did Lydia ever find you ? What ? What's wrong ?

Jackson : I - I was out behind the school, and I - I was - out -

Stiles : What happened ? Jackson. What did you do ?


Lydia : Jackson ! Jackson ! Jackson ! Jackson, is that you ? Jackson, is that you ?

Stiles : Lydia ! Run !

(Peter attacks Lydia.)

Stiles : Don't kill her. Please.

Peter : Of course not. Just tell me how to find Derek.

Stiles : W - what ?

Peter : Tell me how to find Derek Hale.

Stiles : I don't know that. How would I know that ?

Peter : Because you're the clever one, aren't you ? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth - Or I will rip her apart.

Stiles : Look - Look, I don't know, okay ? I sw - I swear to god, I have no idea.

Peter : Tell me !

Stiles : Okay, okay, okay, look, I - I think he knew -

Peter : Knew what ?

Stiles : Derek, I think he - I think he knew he was gonna be caught.

Peter : By the Argents ?

Stiles : Yeah.

Peter : And ?

Stiles : When they were shot, he and Scott - I think he took Scott's Phone.

Peter : Why ?

Stiles : They all have GPS now. So if he still has it and if it's still on - you can find him.


Scott : Where are we going ?

Allison : Somewhere we can be alone.

Scott : Alone where ? Where are you going ?

Allison : Over here. You okay ?

Scott : Yeah. Just a little weird deja vu. Sure this is a good idea ?

Allison : In a minute, you are going to think this is a great idea.

Scott : I really hate it when you say things like that.

(Allison comes in into a bus car.)

Allison : Come on.

Scott : We should get back to the dance. Screw it.

(Chris and Ulrich arrive in car. They swoop down on Scott and Scott wolfout. Allison witnessed the scene.)

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Le quartier Fire Country est ouvert ! Bonne inauguration à sabby et bonne visite !

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Nouveau design pour le quartier The Handmaid's Tale ! N'hésitez pas à passer le voir

cinto, Aujourd'hui à 10:32

Si vous avez la majorité (en âge, pas à l'Assemblée, hein!)venez voter chez Queer as Folk, clichés gays obligent...

sanct08, Aujourd'hui à 12:35

Bonjour, venez voter au sondage culinaire de Star Trek :=)

sanct08, Aujourd'hui à 12:35

Et n'oubliez pas les forums et sondages de X-Files et Le Caméléon !

Viens chatter !